Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Breathing for Stress Reduction

 * Onsite Classes *

Breathing for Stress Reduction     _______________________________________________________________________________________

Reduce stress as you cultivate a sense of balance and peace. Using just a few simple breathing techniques experience:

·        Deep relaxation as your body releases tension

·        Improved concentration and creativity as your mind lets go of churning thoughts

·        Inner stillness as you connect with higher, calmer, states of consciousness
Breathing techniques may include:
·        Even-count Breathing
·        Alternate Nostril Breathing
·        The Breath of Fire
·        The Full Yogic Breath
·        The Circle of Joy
WHEN: Weekdays  |  WHERE: Your Location (ex: Office, School, Medical Center, Community Center)

COST:  $225.00—groups    |    $125.00—individual    |   volume discounts available
To Schedule:  email: info@seattleenergymedicine.com   |  phone 206.708.3277

Ruthie Stender is a certified meditation teacher and registered yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance®, author of "The Eight Aspects of God, A Pathway to Bliss" and monthly columnist for New Spirit Journal. 
Drawing on over twenty years in the business world—and understanding that a company's success is achieved through happy and healthy employees—Ruthie's classes are designed to help reduce stress while improving morale, concentration and creativity. She teaches you how to attain an overall sense of balance using simple and easy-to-learn breathing techniques. 

"So long as you have breath, you have a tool—something to work with."
                                                                  ~ Ruthie Stender                                         

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